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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Where does the money DMUM raises go?

We support pediatric programs at University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital through therapies such as Adaptive Tree Climbing, Music Therapy, Adaptive Martial Arts, Creative Coping, Therapeutic Yoga, and so much more to support our Little Victors. The therapies we fund help kids have unique experiences beyond what they may encounter every day and help support their physical, social, and emotional development. Check out Our Cause to learn more about our therapies and the therapists we work closely with!


Why should I join DMUM?

People join DMUM for a variety of reasons! Some people join to give back to their community and impact the lives of others through unique volunteering opportunities at pediatric therapies. By joining Dance Marathon, Dancers gain access to exclusive volunteering opportunities at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. Others join as a way to make our large campus smaller, make connections with other students, and gain professional experience within a nonprofit. Our leadership body provides a wide range of opportunities to gain professional experience, in areas such as marketing, fundraising, event planning, finance, and so much more. DMUM is formatted to make all of these opportunities possible—even for busy U of M students. 

How can I join as a student?

Registration is free for all and only takes a few minutes! Sign up below and we'll be in touch!



Are there any requirements to join?

Nope—no application or requirements! Once you take the first step of registering, we'll bring you the rest of the way and integrate you with the rest of DMUM. Your house leader will reach out to you directly with more information. All members and leadership are encouraged to help us with our mission and our fundraising goals by volunteering and fundraising. We'll help you every step of the way!


How can my Student Organization or Fraternity/Sorority get involved?

Your Organization can join DMUM as a Dancer Team at any time throughout the year! We aim to create mutually beneficial relationships, providing your members with unique fundraising and volunteering opportunities, as well as offering networking and cause connection events. All organizations are welcome! For more information, see Student Organizations, Fraternities, and Sororities.



What is VictorThon?

At VictorThon, hundreds of dancers stand on their feet for 24 hours to show their dedication to our cause. It is hours of fun for both students and families, with games, music, dancing, and performances by students and kids. Some of our favorite events include the annual Tommy Diehr Basketball Dunking Competition, LineDance, and LipSync battle. We also receive food from local vendors throughout the event! See VictorThon for more details!

Why is VictorThon 24 hours long?

Standing at VictorThon for 24 hours is the celebration of our continual support of the kids and families we volunteer with, fundraise for, and support throughout the year. 

Do I have to dance the whole time?

Absolutely not! There is a LOT more to Dance Marathon at the University of Michigan than just dancing. We are a fundraising and volunteering student organization and nonprofit. VictorThon is where the dancing takes place, but it is a personal choice and is not a requirement—it is just a great way to motivate yourself and have fun alongside your DMUM community