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Recreational Therapies

*If you are interested in volunteering at these programs, you must first register with DMUM. If you are unsure who to register as, please see our Get Involved page.*

Michigan Medicine Clinics and Centers provide a plethora of recreational therapies to support their developmental goals. Taking place at the Pediatric Rehabilitation Center, pediatric recreational therapists, physical therapists, and occupational therapists work together to construct programs that enhance children’s balance, strength, coordination, self-confidence, and more! Check out the programs DMUM is helping run this 2024-2025 school year below!

Virtual Theater Group

Theatre Group allows participants to engage in creativity, grow their social skills, increase self-esteem, and participate in a performance. Theatre Group is an adaptive, inclusive program that meets the needs of each individual and provides an experience for the entire family to join in for performance. Theatre provides the opportunity for creativity which provides healing and coping strategies for children who have experienced trauma. Theatre Group is providing an authentic production put on by the Little Victors with the support of Pediatric Rehabilitation staff. Currently, the participants of the Theatre Group are given the opportunity to work together to identify the play's theme. Then, participants independently identify their characters and write their own lines.

Currently, Theatre Group is hosted in a virtual format, using common household supplies and supplies found within the clinic, and we are excited to begin working to expand this to in-person productions!

Yoga Group

Therapeutic Yoga is an adaptive and inclusive yoga class for children with physical and/or cognitive impairments. This program provides a safe and supportive environment for children to participate in a community-based yoga class led by a certified child yoga instructor and assisted by therapists. This class focuses on each participant to support their therapeutic goals and address body awareness, flexibility, balance, exercise, pain management, and stress while practicing yoga. Therapeutic Yoga is a popular DMUM-funded program that participants look forward to each year. Therapeutic Yoga provides an opportunity for children with disabilities and impairments that is not found in the community.

Martial Arts Therapy

Martial Arts Therapy increases balance, coordination, endurance, and strength for our Little Victors. Martial Arts Therapy also aids in improving self-confidence and providing opportunities for positive social interaction between peers. Martial Arts Therapy is providing a foundation for participants to learn the art of martial arts regardless of physical and/or cognitive condition. This program is teaching participants valuable life skills such as the importance of listening and turn taking. In addition, this program provides the opportunity for children of all abilities to participate in a martial arts program without barriers.

It is important to note that adaptive martial arts classes do not exist, and Pediatric Rehabilitation is meeting a need within the community with the support of DMUM funding this program.

Adaptive Volleyball

Participants have the opportunity to learn the rules, dynamics, and skills implemented in volleyball. From passing to spiking, the kids enhance their coordination, teamwork, and knowledge of sportsmanship.

MiPAIN Graduate Group

The MiPAIN Program is an outpatient clinical program for patients dealing with chronic pain. Recreational Therapy is offering a community-based graduate program for graduates of the MiPAIN program to meet others on the same wellness journey. This program is to continue the goals of the clinical MiPAIN Program. Community-based program meets at locations around Ann Arbor.

Adaptive Tree Climbing

Adaptive Tree Climbing gives participants a chance to climb into a tree's canopy using special climbing saddles. With these modifications, children with physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges can participate in an age-appropriate activity with their families. But Adaptive Tree Climbing is more than just climbing a tree. The program allows children to engage in positive social interactions with peers and DMUM volunteers while “hanging out” in the canopy. It brings families together and is well known within the community. Pediatric Rehabilitation recognizes the importance of providing children with disabilities the opportunity to participate in safe, recreational activities with their siblings, friends, and family. Note that tree climbing equipment and expertise is handled by certified tree climbing facilitators at Arbor Quest

Strength, Body, and Mind

Strength, Body, and Mind is a program that focuses on strengthening one’s leisure lifestyle and creating/maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Participants are provided with the opportunity to explore fun and innovative ways to participate in exercise, healthy challenges, and mindful leisure activities. Activities include yoga, obstacle courses/races, creative expression, nature, gross motor games, and art. In addition, this program provides teamwork and socialization amongst peers. Strength, Body, and Mind is an adaptive program that meets each participant's needs. Note, the Brighton Center for Specialty Care serves a different geographic area of patients than the Ann Arbor clinics. This program helps to meet the needs of accessible programs adaptive and inclusive in the Brighton area.