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Organizational Policies

Our organization is committed to creating a community where all individuals feel safe, valued, and respected through any level of involvement with Dance Marathon at the University of Michigan. For this reason, we have developed a Code of Conduct that we expect all members of our community to abide by. Any incidents of misconduct will not be tolerated and will be prioritized by leadership such that all reported situations will be addressed and resolved quickly to help aid in the best possible experience for all people who interact with DMUM.

 Below, you will find an incident reporting form to aid in the fast and comprehensive resolution of any undesirable situations that may occur in relation to DMUM. Inclusivity is a top priority for our organization and we will do everything to make sure every person has a good experience working with Dance Marathon.

Thank you for being a part something bigger than yourself. We appreciate the contributions of every person that touches our community, united behind a common purpose of eliminating barriers and providing resources such that every person, of any ability or circumstance, can get what they need to achieve health, happiness, and wellness. Every single person who interacts with DMUM enables our impact, and we seek to value individuals and provide a safe space within and surrounding Dance Marathon for all people.

Dance Marathon at the University of Michigan Incident Reporting Form